
Business Support

Business support is a key focus area for our association, providing a comprehensive range of services, resources, and business support to foster growth and success for businesses from Hong Kong and Vietnam. This includes connecting businesses with government authorities and providing insights on expansion strategies. We also foster a collaborative community, facilitating partnerships and knowledge sharing through networking events, workshops, and platforms. By fostering partnerships and collaborations, we aim to enhance business prospects for our members. Our support initiatives include:

The association offers business consultation services to help entrepreneurs navigate the complexities of starting and running a business, guiding various aspects.

The association helps businesses access funding by connecting them with potential investors, venture capital firms, and financial institutions.

The association conducts training programs and workshops on various business-related topics. By equipping entrepreneurs and business professionals with relevant skills and knowledge, the association enhances their competitiveness and growth potential.

Organizing trade missions, trade fairs, and business matching events to facilitate connections between businesses from both regions and actively promote trade opportunities.

The association serves as a platform for members to share resources and expertise, facilitating knowledge exchange, collaboration, and networking among businesses, allowing them to leverage each other's strengths and experiences.